The Children’s Cancer Fund Leuven raises funds to support existing projects and backs the organisation of new projects that promote and optimise the quality of life of children with cancer and their families.

Kinderkankerfonds Leuven

Thanks to contemporary therapies, more than 80% of children with cancer are cured.

However, the diagnosis of cancer in a child or adolescent has a huge impact on the whole family life as the treatment is long and intensive.

The Children’s Cancer Fund Leuven supports projects, inside and outside of the hospital, from improving treatment, to supporting and guiding children and adolescents with cancer and their family.

The following projects are currently in operation and fully or partially funded by the CCF Leuven:

  • Music therapy
  • ‘Kanjerketting’
  • ‘Brussen’ (brothers and sisters of children with cancer)
  • KIK-FIT program
  • Home and palliative care (KITES care team)
  • Safe and nice environment of the children with cancer departments
  • Activities for parents
  • Support to families
  • Scientific research
    • Clinical studies
    • Child cancer and the brain
    • Fundamental research

The Children’s Cancer Fund Leuven was established in 1989 and is supported and assisted by the KU Leuven University Fund.


Accompagnement en soins palliatifs et pendant le deuil
Activités récréatives (à l’hôpital)
Amélioration de l’environnement et du bien-être
Recherche scientifique
Soutien administratif/logistique
Soutien financier/juridique
Soutien psychologique




Universitair Ziekenhuis Leuven

